The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

December 15, 2017 @ 7:00 pm
Angel of Joy Lutheran Church
4003 Daniel McCall Dr
Lufkin, TX 75904
General $7. Students & Seniors $5.

The Herdman clan is the worst bunch of kids you’ll ever meet. They barely know how to read, but the teachers keep passing them because another Herdman is coming right after, and no one is crazy enough to have two Herdmans at the same time. The only place of refuge the community kids get is at church, where no Herdman has ever set foot…until Charlie, tells Leroy that he gets sweets from the preacher. When it seems true the Herdmans come back for pageant practice and hilarity ensues. In the end it is a heartwarming story about the true meaning of Christmas.

General Admission $7.
Students & Seniors $5.

Angel of Joy Lutheran Church
4003 Daniel McCall Dr., Lufkin